Wednesday, November 11, 2009

AspectJ 1.6 with runtime weaving and WPS 6.2

Well, I haven't blogged in ages, and it's not because I lacked things to share...
Anyway, almost all of my WPS customers are looking for some level of polymorphism (or process templating) and AOP. For the first - I currently have no solution. For the second - here comes...

  1. Download AspectJ 1.6.2.
  2. Since it's been a long time since I worked with AspectJ, I wrote a small program in Eclipse. I just made sure that it used the WPS JDK - to make sure the -javaagent flag works. It does. However, you can't use it when your eclipse works with a Sun JDK. So - add a -vm to your eclipse.ini file. (See here for details:
  3. Now, I opened a new WID module, wrote a short process.
  4. I also created a small Java Project, which will create a JAR in the WAS/lib directory. It will include my aspects and the aop.xml file (under the META-INF directory)
  5. I started my WPS server, and put the -javaagent flag in the startup options. WAIT!!! Since WPS security is enabled by default, and the aspectJ weaver is located outside the WPS libraries - java security policy won't let it load - and you can't start your server!!! Copy the jars into the WPS lib directory. Just make sure you don't override existing files (aspectj.jar should be in WPS/lib - just rename it to something that doesn't end with JAR)
  6. That should be it - the aspects now work. However, how do we tie them to the process itself?
  7. It seems that the way WPS works is that for every BPEL activity there is a class in the package, and the doActivate method is called. So our pointcut will need to look like this - @Before("call(void*.*(..))") - this should also explain why we put the aspect in the JAR in the WAS/lib directory - it should be in the correct class-loader level.
  8. Well the only thing missing is the actual pointcut - but it's too late for that - will publish it tomorrow morning... Don't hold it against me. I will also post the required code to get which Activity we are on. Quite cool...

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